Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need a plumber in Lumberton, Wiggins, or any other MS Gulf Coast town? Call Service Experts Plumbing today!

Do you have questions about plumbing you need answers for? Read our FAQs and see if we cover them.

The answer depends on how many people live in the home and what your future needs will be. For example, a 40-gallon tank may be too large for two people initially but is a good investment if they plan to have a family.

Here are some other guidelines to size a water heater for your home:

  • One to two residents: 23 to 36 gallons
  • Two to four people: 36 to 46 gallons
  • Three to five people: 46 to 56 gallons
  • Five or more people: start with 56 gallons and add an extra 10 per person

We can help you decide, but there are several types, including:

  • Conventional tank water heaters, which store water and provide a consistent supply by reheating the water in the tank. They’re one of the more affordable options to install but aren’t the most energy efficient.
  • Tankless water heaters, which heat only the water you use, so they use far less electricity. You can have several people using the system in sequence without worrying if there’s water in the tank. They’re also very compact.

You can also find hybrid units that combine the best features of both.

There could be several reasons your hot water runs out, including:

  • Incorrect water heater thermostat setting
  • Overuse, like when you shower and use the dishwasher at once
  • A broken dip tube
  • A faulty heating element
  • Sediment in the tank

If your water heater runs out too fast, give us a call at Service Experts Plumbing, and we can diagnose and fix the issue.

You should clean your drains as soon as you notice signs of issues, like slow drains, leaky pipes, or sewage backups. If you experience regular clogs due to sediment, consider flushing the system once a year.

The best DIY drain-cleaning method is to use a plunger to try to dislodge the clog. If that doesn’t work, you need a plumber to take a look. We’ll either use an auger or hydro-jet, depending on how big the clog is.

Please don’t ever use chemical drain cleaners, as these are too harsh on your plumbing.

Do you have a plumbing problem we didn’t cover in our FAQs? Call Service Experts Plumbing at 228-207-6462 for the right solution. We service Ocean Springs, MS, and surrounding towns in the Mississippi Gulf Coast Region, such as Pascagoula and Lumberton, MS.